Terms of Use

By purchasing products and/or services through aboveitall360.com, I agree to the following:

  1. I am approaching Above It All 360 in a friendly fashion. I am seeking to better
    myself, understand life more and to be of better service to others and this world.
  2. I acknowledge that results gained from this service are based on my active
    participation and application of the instructions provided and that I will get out of
    it what I myself put into it.
  3. I understand that by purchasing this service, I am forfeiting any right to refund,
    lawsuit, or claiming any liable toward; Above It All 360, R. Nisbet Services LLC,
    Rich Nisbet or any related entity and/or enterprise for any past condition, present
    condition, or future condition that I find myself in, and I release those individuals
    and organizations, from any liability or responsibility connected to myself and my
  4. I acknowledge that the use of alcohol, mind-altering medications and substances,
    marijuana, tranquillizers, and painkillers etc. may make it more difficult to
    experience the benefits from this service and possibly may inhibit lasting gains.
  5. I understand that if I have any questions regarding my physical well being, I
    should consult with a competent medical physician.