We are all connected.
The things we can touch, feel, smell, see etc. are part of a physical plane, which includes energy operating in space and moving through a linear time stream (past and future). This is where our human bodies exist.
There is another dimension however, that isn’t physical. Qualities and activities such as communication, love, decision, opinions, intentions, and concepts like ethics, aesthetics, beauty and infinity are descriptions of factors we are aware of and have something to do with, but can’t be explained or measured in the same way as material things.
Podcast #3 of “It’s the Question” had people describing events where they experienced clairvoyance and telepathy. Some even detailed communications from deceased family members and loved ones. Concepts being communicated across a vast physical distance and being received without normal sound vibrations or using the body’s ears. There are too many stories for this subject to be dismissed or discounted.
Because of this type of phenomena, there are some non-religious factors around the subject and activity of praying that should be considered.
When someone says they are praying to God, it is their own individual, intimate conceptual understanding of what they mean by that. The person next to them may be praying to an entirely different idea of God. Imagine if everyone in the world described and detailed the exact qualities and characteristics of the God they are praying to. We would get many similarities but also a lot of differences in those descriptions. I believe each characterization of God would even vary from person to person, even the ones sitting in the same pew in the same church.
The concept of God is very special and personal to each person who considers it.
So, the benefits of prayer might be explained in ways outside of the normal definitions:
1. The person who is engaged in praying is doing something about his or her situation. They are asking that their wish or intention come to fruition. Instead of merely sitting around worrying or hoping, they are proactively defining exactly what they want in the form of words and concepts and communicating that to another, exterior source, God. This “two-way interaction” always helps us in life when we are struggling or have problems we can’t resolve. Talk it through with someone else.
2. The first sentence of this article states, “We are all connected”. This seems evident based on all the accounts of people claiming to have had telepathic events happen in their life. Added to all this is the idea that “agreement creates reality” and it appears possible that prayer could create actual change in some form or another. American author, Gregg Braden, states, “… experiments in quantum physics, in fact, do show that simply looking at something as tiny as an electron – just focusing our awareness upon what it’s doing, for even an instance in time – changes its properties while we’re watching it. The experiments suggest that the very act of observation is an act of creation.” If a group of people put their attention on the same thing, or the same wish, or are praying for the same outcome, maybe that co-action actually changes the reality of what they are all mutually intending. If the above experiment in quantum physics is accurate, it seems possible that the operation of prayer might fall into this category.
3. Some philosophies feel that just deciding or thinking good thoughts can alter an outcome. Maybe it can. I know that worry can actually bring on more worry, where hope and the decision that it will “all work out” can ease the mind. Life is much easier to negotiate when you’re not burdened by horrible, hateful, problematic or worrisome thoughts.
4. How about “home court advantage”. Why does a team win more games when they are playing on their own football field, hockey rink or basketball court? We know the majority of the people present at that home game intend for their team to win. That group-intention seems to be the senior, overriding importance when playing a game.
So, praying may have a positive effect on a life situation. But is that all you’re going to do?
Now, if someone has an accident and they have a bleeding artery, obviously praying should be done after you apply a tourniquet, place a clean cloth over the wound and ensure the person is driven to a hospital to be seen by a competent doctor.
Same with someone who is dying. I recently published a book titled, “When It’s Time”. If someone close to you is at the end-of-life, or you hear a person mention someone they know is dying, the steps outlined in that book should be done right now, without hesitation. Work in conjunction with the expertise of hospice nurses and doctors and immediately take it upon yourself to help ease the fear, pain and anxiety with those directives and advices in the book.
Do everything you physically can right now, to ensure the person at the end-of-life will have a peaceful send-off. Also, take the actions laid out in the book designed to help bringing comfort and closure to all the family and friends affected, and so reduce the potential emotional loss of their loved one’s absence, when it’s time for them to go.
And then pray for everyone.